This member spotlight features FDATA NA Spotlight with Karim Nanji, Chief Executive Officer, Inverite. Karim explains that Inverite helps address a major industry challenge – the lack of alternative data to serve credit invisible and non-prime consumers.
Video Member Spotlight: Envestnet Yodlee
This member spotlight features FDATA NA Spotlight with Kat Cloud, Principal Director Open Banking Compliance, Envestnet Yodlee. In this interview, Kat emphasizes the importance of consumer-permissioned data in driving innovation; how Envestnet’s platform is helping advisors provide more holistic financial advice; and the impact of open finance on improving financial inclusion and wellness for all consumers.
Video Member Spotlight: Xero
This member spotlight features FDATA NA Spotlight with Michael Cascone, Vice President, Government Experience, Americas, Xero. Michael shared insights on how Xero is championing Open Banking to alleviate the financial burdens on small business owners across North America.
Video Member Spotlight: Ozone API
This member spotlight features Eyal Sivan, General Manager, North America, aka. Mr. Open Banking, Ozone API. Mr. Open Banking delves into how SMEs can leverage new offerings from their suppliers and enhance their own services to customers, unlocking new avenues for growth.
Video Member Spotlight: ByAllAccounts
This member spotlight features Brian Costello, Head of ByAllAccounts Data Aggregation Strategy and Governance, Morningstar Wealth. Brian tells us how ByAllAccounts’s role in providing connectivity of consumer-permissioned financial data is critical in realizing the full potential of this data and explains ByAllAccounts’s high level of engagement with policymakers to promote finalization of the Dodd-Frank Section 1033 rulemaking.
Video Member Spotlight: Portabl
Nate Soffio, Co-Founder and CEO of Portabl describes how Portabl’s technology is simplifying online user identification and reducing friction within the open banking ecosystem:
Video Member Spotlight: Envestnet
This member spotlight features Lisa Novier, Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance at Envestnet Data Analytics. Lisa tells us how Envestnet’s role in providing connectivity of consumer-permissioned financial data is critical in realizing the full potential of this data and explains Envestnet’s high level of engagement with policymakers to promote finalization of the Dodd-Frank Section 1033 rulemaking.
Video Member Spotlight: Method Financial
This month’s member spotlight features Mit Shah, COO and Co-Founder of Method Financial, who explains how Method’s technology allows customers to securely permission their financial data to third-party providers of their choosing without having to use traditional credential-based methods:
Video Member Spotlight: Questrade
This Member Spotlight features Christine Day, Chief Information Officer at Questrade, who explains the myriad ways that consumer-permissioned data sharing can add value, lower costs, increase competition, and increase personalization of a wide variety of financial products and services:
Video Member Spotlight: EQ Bank
This month’s Member Spotlight features Cathy Ly, Vice President of Customer Experience and Operations, who tells us how challenger banks like EQ rely on customer-permissioned data access to offer custom and competitive financial services to a wide array of Canadians: