Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries
This article explores the pressing issue of social inequalities in developing countries and how financial inclusion can act as a public policy tool for empowering marginalized populations. By examining government aid programs, disruptive financial technologies, and open data in financial services, the article highlights the potential of a financially integrated population to improve social [...]
The Platformization of the Banking Industry
Understand what Banking as a Platform (BaaP) is and how consumer expectations will change under this concept This article was originally posted in portuguese in my column at Exame, the main business magazine in Brazil. It can be found at the https://bit.ly/BD_exame2 Download Document Here
Prospects for the Brazilian fintech scene in 2021
In 2020, fintechs in Brazil showed their resilience and attracted US$ 1,7 billion in investments. Check some of the trends and opportunities in the sector this year. Download Document Here
The Open Banking journey in Latin America
Bruno Diniz, Managing Partner at Spiralem and Director at FDATA South America, discusses the state of play in Open Banking in Latin America, the opportunities there, and further steps to unleash the potential of Open Banking Download Document Here
Regulatory Sandbox joins other regulatory initiatives and brings optimism to fintechs in Brazil
Despite the turbulent year, a major movement of regulatory and infrastructure updates planned for 2020 is following its course The portuguese version of this article can be found at FEBRABAN’s Noomis platform in the link: https://bit.ly/bdnoomis6 Download Document Here
FDATA anuncia Bruno Diniz como líder na América do Sul
São Paulo, 3 de fevereiro de 2020 – Bruno Diniz, um dos especialistas mais proeminentes em fintech do Brasil e cofundador da Spiralem, foi nomeado Líder da América do Sul pela (FDATA) Financial Data and Technology Association. Autor do recém-lançado livro “O Fenômeno Fintech”, da Alta Books, Bruno começa a exercer imediatamente a função, alocado […]
FDATA anuncia Bruno Diniz como líder na América do Sul
São Paulo, 3 de fevereiro de 2020 – Bruno Diniz, um dos especialistas mais proeminentes em fintech do Brasil e cofundador da Spiralem, foi nomeado Líder da América do Sul pela (FDATA) Financial Data and Technology Association. Autor do recém-lançado livro “O Fenômeno Fintech”, da Alta Books, Bruno começa a exercer imediatamente a função, alocado […]
Bruno Diniz, one of the most prominent experts in fintech in Brazil and co-founder of Spiralem, has been appointed as South America Chapter Leader with the Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA). Bruno will begin the role with immediate effect, from the newly launched chapter’s headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. FDATA is now operating in […]
FDATA South America – Respostas à Consulta Pública 73_2019 (Open Banking)
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Comments to the Public Consultation Document nº 73/2019 – Open Financial System Implementation Proposal (Open Banking)
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Leading fintech trade association calls launch “the first waypoint on a long journey” The Financial Data and Technology Association, the leading advocate of open banking in the UK and around the world, has welcomed the parallel implementation of PSD2 across Europe, and the launch of Open Banking amongst the large banks here in the UK. […]
Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries
This article explores the pressing issue of social inequalities in developing countries and how financial inclusion can act as a public policy tool for empowering marginalized populations. By examining government aid programs, disruptive financial technologies, and open data in financial services, the article highlights the potential of a financially integrated population to improve social [...]
The Platformization of the Banking Industry
Understand what Banking as a Platform (BaaP) is and how consumer expectations will change under this concept This article was originally posted in portuguese in my column at Exame, the main business magazine in Brazil. It can be found at the https://bit.ly/BD_exame2 Download Document Here
Prospects for the Brazilian fintech scene in 2021
In 2020, fintechs in Brazil showed their resilience and attracted US$ 1,7 billion in investments. Check some of the trends and opportunities in the sector this year. Download Document Here
The Open Banking journey in Latin America
Bruno Diniz, Managing Partner at Spiralem and Director at FDATA South America, discusses the state of play in Open Banking in Latin America, the opportunities there, and further steps to unleash the potential of Open Banking Download Document Here
Regulatory Sandbox joins other regulatory initiatives and brings optimism to fintechs in Brazil
Despite the turbulent year, a major movement of regulatory and infrastructure updates planned for 2020 is following its course The portuguese version of this article can be found at FEBRABAN’s Noomis platform in the link: https://bit.ly/bdnoomis6 Download Document Here
FDATA South America – Respostas à Consulta Pública 73_2019 (Open Banking)
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Comments to the Public Consultation Document nº 73/2019 – Open Financial System Implementation Proposal (Open Banking)
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