Standing Committee on Finance

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments to Canada’s Standing Committee on Finance Pre-2024 Budget Consultations

August 3, 2023, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA) of North America submitted comments to Canada’s Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) as part of its pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2024 budget. Our submission stressed that Canada needs to remain diligent in its pursuit of an open banking framework which will provide Canadians much needed relief in banking fees and other expenses, that Canada must recognize that other countries are rapidly implementing their own open banking regimes, and remain keenly aware that every day that passes without open banking development risks leaving Canadians further behind their international counterparts and competitors.

Our letter also expressed disappointment with the lack of progress on the open banking file, and called on the government to:

  • Include language in Budget 2024 to implement the recommendations that Open Banking Lead Abraham Tachjian will provide in his forthcoming final report and rapidly implement Canada’s open banking system, including funding for the development of a neutral, transparent, and nimble governance function;
  • Include language in Budget 2024 outlining the government’s approach to open finance, the next logical step after open banking, and the framework needed to truly unlock market innovation and competition to benefit Canadian consumers and businesses; and
  • Amend the Canadian Payments Act to enable Payments Canada to expand its membership to include federally regulated payment service providers, providing access to its forthcoming real-time payment system.

In the submission, we also asserted that any open banking governance entity in Canada must be neutral (i.e. not controlled by any particular stakeholder(s) with commercial interests in the ecosystem), transparent (i.e. it invites and considers stakeholder input and subjects its decisions to an open, publicly visible process), and nimble (i.e. capable of making binding decisions relatively quickly and without undue bureaucracy), with all stakeholders in the open banking system agreeing to comply with the decisions and determinations made by the open banking governance entity as a condition of being active in the market.

A full copy of the submission is available here.



by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Highlights Importance of API Standards and Monitoring

September 29, 2022, Washington, DC -As both Canada and the United States continue to move towards open banking via APIs, it is essential that minimum API standards be set to ensure that consumers and SMEs have uninterrupted access to their financial data.

To this end, FDATA has developed four principles that will be critical to the design of a well-implemented API environment in North America. These principles cover data scope, reliability standards, fallback options, and the necessity of establishing a neutral monitoring agency. These principles can be found here, and below:

  • Any non-proprietary data available to an end user through a data provider’s online customer portal or paper statement must also be required to be made available in any API a data provider implements in an open banking environment. At present, data providers unilaterally determine which data elements their customers can and cannot share with third parties. In a true open banking environment, the customer – not their financial services provider – is empowered to make this decision. Within the PSD2 framework in Europe, this has led to services being withdrawn as API functionality did not keep pace with pre-existing technologies.
  • Any APIs built by data providers to facilitate data sharing in an open banking environment must, at a minimum, be as reliable as that data provider’s customer-facing online portal. Regulatory agencies in both Canada and the United States have understandably set prescriptive requirements regarding the uptime of online customer-facing portals at financial institutions to ensure that consumers and SMEs have continual access to their data. This same standard must apply in any open banking environment.
  • To the extent data requested by a customer is not available through an API connection, a fallback option must be permitted to be used to access the requested data. The legal customer data right upon which an open banking environment is built cannot be ignored if a data element requested by a customer is not available through a data provider’s API or if that API is down or unresponsive. Screen scraping must be maintained as a fallback option that may be used to access any data not included in or available from a data provider’s API.
  • A neutral entity must be responsible for regularly monitoring the robustness, reliability, and usability of data providers’ APIs in an open banking environment. A neutral entity should be tasked with the responsibility for regularly measuring and reporting, among other metrics: the uptime of all open banking providers’ APIs; whether all of the data available to the end user on the data provider’s online customer portal and/or paper statement is available through the API; the responsiveness of the API; whether the API is constructed in such a manner that it introduces unnecessary friction in the customer’s data connectivity journey. These measurements should be the basis upon which a fallback option is permitted. Ideally, these metrics would be made publicly available to facilitate the ability of end users to identify the effectiveness of their financial provider’s data sharing capabilities. Such an entity should come from outside of the sector itself in order to not be perceived as having their own fiduciary interest in the metrics delivered.

Issues related to API robustness, reliability, and user experience have stunted the growth of open banking use cases in multiple markets across the globe that have moved more quickly than North America toward implementing legally binding customer financial data rights. It has been evident from experiences in Europe, the United Kingdom and Australia that well-defined standards without equally well-defined systems to measure them in a way that all parties can agree to leads to increased friction and a technical overhead placed on the regulator which they may not be well-positioned to adjudicate. Ensuring at the outset minimum API requirements for any open banking data providers, as well as a neutral monitoring entity to measure the quality and reliability of those APIs, will prevent Canada and the United States from experiencing similar issues as we begin our own North American open banking journey.


by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments to Canada’s Standing Committee on Finance Pre-2023 Budget Consultations

September 26, 2022, Washington, DC – Today, the Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA) of North America submitted comments to Canada’s Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) as part of its pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2023 budget.

In its comments, FDATA North America called on the government to:

  • Include language in Budget 2023 asserting the importance of governance in an open banking framework, and that any open banking governance entity must be neutral, transparent, and nimble;
  • Allocate sufficient and sustained funding in Budget 2023 towards the implementation of an open banking framework and governance entity; and
  • Include language in Budget 2023 outlining its approach to Open Finance, the next logical step after Open Banking, and the framework needed to truly unlock market innovation and competition to benefit Canadian consumers and businesses. This includes an amendment to the Canadian Payments Act to grant federally regulated payment service providers access to Payment Canada’s forthcoming real-time retail payment system and make them eligible for membership in Payments Canada.

In the submission, FDATA NA also asserted that any open banking governance entity in Canada must be neutral (i.e. not controlled by any particular stakeholder(s) with commercial interests in the ecosystem), transparent (i.e. it invites and considers stakeholder input and subjects its decisions to an open, publicly visible process), and nimble (i.e. capable of making binding decisions relatively quickly and without undue bureaucracy), with all stakeholders in the open banking system agreeing to comply with the decisions and determinations made by the open banking governance entity as a condition of being active in the market.

A full copy of the submission is available below:

Image result for paperclip iconFDATA North America 2023 Pre-Budget Consultations

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments to Canada’s Standing Committee on Finance Pre-2022 Budget Consultations

August 3, 2021, Washington, DC – Today, the Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA) of North America submitted comments to Canada’s Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) as part of its pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2022 budget.

In its comments, FDATA North America called on the government to fully embrace a digital-first future for its financial sector as well as a consumer-centric model for its privacy arena, and pointed to a customer-directed finance (CDF) environment as a cornerstone of this future system. This new legal framework will “improve access to financial services, ensure a more level regulatory system for financial service providers, improve competitiveness, and foster innovation, all of which will contribute to health and sustained macroeconomic growth.” 

To achieve a modernized open finance system that mitigates risks and protects consumers and small businesses by ensuring that providers’ privacy protections meet regulatory standards, that customer privacy is assured regardless of whether their chosen service provider is a financial institution or non-bank fintech, and recourse mechanisms to make consumers affected by a data breach whole, FDATA North America suggests that the government should include language in Budget 2022:

  1. implementing a CDF regime that include clear definitions of consumer and small business financial data rights, scope, and portability; and
  2. to enshrine a new CDF Implementation Entity (IE) tasked with the design and implementation of open finance in Canada. 

Without this framework, Canada will remain in a financial status quo where consumers and other end users lack control of their personal information and cannot benefit from financial innovation. By delaying this approach, FDATA North America argues that Canada risks falling further behind as a world leader in digital innovation and misses an opportunity to provide cutting-edge financial services to its consumers and small businesses.

Image result for paperclip iconFDATA North America Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget

FDATA was heavily involved in the UK Open Banking Working Group in 2015. In 2016, the working group’s output was published by Her Majesty’s Treasury as the Open Banking Standard. FDATA North America was founded in early 2018. Its members collectively provide tens of millions of consumers in Canada, the United States, and Mexico with aggregation-based tools to better manage their finances.

Members include air (Alliance for Innovative Regulation), APImetrics, Basis Theory, Betterment, BillGo, Codat, Direct ID, Envestnet Yodlee, Equitable Bank, Experian, Fiserv, Flinks, Interac, Intuit, Inverite, Kabbage, Marble, Mogo, Morningstsar, M Science, MX, Petal, Plaid, Questrade, Quicken Loans, SaltEdge, Trustly, ValidiFI, VoPay, Wealthica, Xero, and others.
