North America News

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments on FDX’s Application for SSB Recognition Under Section 1033

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757,  [email protected] 

Washington, DC, October 16, 2024 – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (“FDATA North America”), a trade association representing more than three dozen financial technology and open finance companies, today submitted a comment in response to the Financial Data Exchange’s (“FDX”) application for recognition by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) as a standard-setting body (“SSB”) under Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The recognition of SSBs, defined under the CFPB’s final rule issued on June 5, 2024, is pivotal in the context of the Bureau’s forthcoming personal financial data rights rule.

In the letter, FDATA North America applauded FDX’s efforts to institute additional transparency, balance as it promulgates technology standards to enable safe and secure consumer-permissioned data sharing across the financial ecosystem. We emphasized that FDX’s proposed improvements to their governance structure will ensure broader representation of various stakeholders, including smaller entities and non-banks, across its decision-making processes and expressed our members’ eagerness to contribute to FDX’s important work.

FDATA North America also urged the CFPB to require that applicants for SSB recognition establish mechanisms that allow smaller market participants to review and provide input on existing technical standards promulgated prior to an entity’s application to the CFPB for recognition as an SSB. This approach would ensure that the CFPB’s commitment to balanced representation is reflected not only in future iterations to technology standards recognized under the CFPB’s Section 1033 rulemaking, but also to technology standards already in use in the ecosystem. Additionally, we emphasized that the success of the U.S. open finance ecosystem relies on balanced representation across all stakeholders to foster growth and innovation to benefit consumers.

FDATA North America expressed its appreciation for FDX’s commitment to supporting secure, consumer-permissioned data access and looks forward to continued collaboration to advance a robust and equitable standard-setting process.

A full copy of the letter is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments to the Prudential Regulators’ RFI on Bank-Fintech Partnerships

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757,  [email protected] 

Washington, DC, October 16, 2024 – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (“FDATA North America”), a consortium of more than 30 financial technology companies providing consumers and small- and medium-enterprises with innovative financial products, services, and tools, today submitted comments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (“OCC”), the Federal Reserve (“Fed”), and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”; collectively, “the agencies”) in response to their Request for Information (“RFI”) on bank-fintech arrangements involving banking products and services. In the letter, FDATA North America expressed concern that the agencies’ RFI failed to appropriately capture or distinguish among the breadth of bank-fintech relationships and encouraged the agencies to recognize the diverse benefits these collaborations bring to consumers, small businesses, and the broader financial marketplace.

FDATA North America highlighted that bank-fintech arrangements provide essential services beyond traditional banking, including personal financial management, lending, and payments, thereby fostering competition, reducing costs, and expanding access to financial services for underserved populations. In the letter, FDATA North America urged the agencies to defer oversight of consumer-permissioned data access arrangements to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), given the imminent finalization of the CFPB’s Personal Financial Data Rights rule. FDATA North America suggested that the agencies allow time for a thorough assessment of the CFPB’s final rule for all bank-fintech arrangements before considering further regulatory action.

A full copy of the letter is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments to the Department of Finance’s Consultation on Budget 2024 Measures

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757,  [email protected] 

September 4, 2024, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a consortium of more than 30 financial technology companies providing consumers and small- and medium-enterprises with innovative financial products, services, and tools, today submitted a comment in response to the Canadian Department of Finance’s consultation on Budget 2024 measures to deliver fairness for every generation.

In our submission, we urged the Department of Finance to:

  1. Ensure All Small and Medium-Sized (“SME”) Accounts Are Included: It’s crucial that SMEs are explicitly included in the scope of Canada’s open finance regime, ensuring they can benefit from innovative financial solutions.
  2. Mitigate Barriers to Entry for Smaller Participants: We advocate for a tiered accreditation approach that balances rigorous data security requirements with the need to support smaller market entrants, fostering innovation and competition.
  3. Maintain a Focused FCAC Mandate: The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (“FCAC”) should maintain a clear and manageable role within the open finance ecosystem, avoiding an overly broad expansion of responsibilities.
  4. Assign Liability to the Responsible Entity: Liability should rest with the entity responsible for any data breaches, ensuring that consumers and SMEs are protected and compensated fairly.

A full copy of the comment is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits Comments to the CFPB’s Medical Debt Rule

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757,  [email protected] 

August 5, 2024, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a trade association representing more than 30 financial technology companies and consumer-permissioned data access platforms in Canada and the United States, today submitted a comment in response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (“CFPB” or “Bureau”) proposed rule to limit creditors from obtaining or using information on medical debts for credit eligibility determinations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”).

While FDATA North America takes no position on the underlying merits of the CFPB’s proposed rule, it raised significant operational concerns about the practical implementation of the rule for consumer-permissioned open banking platforms that function as Consumer Reporting Agencies (“CRAs”). FDATA North America underscored that absent an affirmative requirement for data providers to identify medical debts as such, the current lack of a uniform mechanism for open banking platforms to identify whether an account connected by a consumer is a medical debt presents a major compliance challenge.

FDATA North America highlighted that for open banking platforms to comply with the CFPB’s proposed medical debt rule, it is essential that lenders affirmatively identify accounts as medical debts whenever a consumer grants data access to a third-party platform. Without this requirement, platforms will struggle to determine with certainty whether an account is a medical debt, leading to compliance challenges with the Bureau’s proposed rule.

FDATA North America called for the CFPB to mandate that data providers within consumer-permissioned ecosystems disclose the type of account from which the consumer is seeking to share data to ensure effective compliance. This measure would ensure that open banking platforms, when regulated as CRAs, have access to the same account information currently available in the traditional CRA space.

A full copy of the letter is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Submits 2025 Pre-Budget Submission to Canadian House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Finance

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757,  [email protected] 

July 26, 2024, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA) submitted to the Canadian House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) its recommendations in advance of the 2025 budget. Our submission emphasized the need for the rapid and well-governed implementation of Canada’s open banking system and the expansion of open banking into an open finance framework to drive innovation and competition in the financial sector.

We urged the Canadian government to:

  • Include language in Budget 2025 to ensure the implementation of Canada’s open banking system, allowing both consumers and small business owners to have full access to its benefits and prioritizing the growth of Canada’s innovation economy.
  • Outline the government’s approach to open finance, the next logical step in financial services. Budget 2025 should establish a timeline for expanding the framework to include additional types of financial accounts, ultimately encompassing any financial account controlled by a consumer or small business.
  • Ensure that the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) governs the system in a manner that does not inadvertently dissuade smaller entities from participating.

In the submission, FDATA highlighted that Budget 2024’s delivery of Canada’s initial CDB framework marked an important milestone in a long, consultative journey. Budget 2025 should both ensure delivery of open banking in line with the government’s and the market’s expectations and build on this important progress, including unambiguously making small business accounts part of the first phase and ensuring that the FCAC’s enforcement of the system is appropriately tiered based on the size, complexity, and use case of participating entities.

A full copy of the submission is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Responds to the CFPB’s BNPL Interpretive Rule

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757, [email protected] 

July 24, 2024, Washington, DCThe Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a trade association representing more than 30 financial technology companies and consumer-permissioned data access platforms in Canada and the United States, today submitted a comment in response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB or Bureau) interpretive rule classifying Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) loans as Regulation Z-regulated products under the Truth in Lending Act (TILA).

FDATA North America commended the CFPB for classifying BNPL loans as Regulation Z-regulated products under the TILA, which will ensure that these loans are considered “covered data” under the Bureau’s forthcoming final rule implementing Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Section 1033). The Section 1033 rule will allow consumers to share their balance and transaction information across credit card, checking, and savings accounts with third-party financial providers of their choice, ensuring greater financial transparency and empowerment. The designation of BNPL loans will enable consumers to make more informed financial decisions and manage their finances more effectively when considering applying for, utilizing, and servicing BPNL loans.

As the leading trade association that has long advocated for the inclusion of all consumer financial accounts under the CFPB’s Section 1033 rule, FDATA North America supports this incremental step towards a more expansive Section 1033 rulemaking. FDATA North America encourages the Bureau to continuously broaden the types of accounts covered under its Section 1033 rulemaking over time, ensuring that all consumers can access and share their financial data digitally and benefit from important protections when they do so.

A full copy of the letter is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Sends Letter to Missouri Regulator to Support Consumer-Permissioned Data Access

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757, [email protected] 

June 20, 2024, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a trade association representing more than 30 financial technology companies and consumer-permissioned data access platforms in the United States and Canada, today sent a letter to Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft in response to warnings the agency sent to state-registered advisors regarding potential investor harm associated with advisors’ use of technology-based tools to help manage their clients’ portfolios.

The Missouri Securities Division on May 23, 2024, sent warning letters to more than 40 state-registered advisors raising concerns about advisors using clients’ log-in credentials to access financial information with client consent.

In its letter, FDATA North America emphasized that allowing financial advisors to access and review clients’ financial information is essential for providing informed recommendations that improve financial outcomes for Missourians. FDATA North America also highlighted the potential negative impact of the Division’s warning, which discourages the use of third-party tools that can enhance clients’ investment and financial outcomes. FDATA North America reiterated its commitment to data privacy and information sharing while advocating for secure consumer-permissioned data access and urged the Missouri Securities Division to consider mandating, in alignment with forthcoming federal rules by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the promulgation of secure interfaces for consumer-permissioned data access for retirement and securities accounts, ensuring that consumers can safely share their financial data with third parties.

A full copy of the letter is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Responds to the Bank of Canada’s Retail Payments Supervision Consultation

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757, [email protected] 

May 21, 2024, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a trade association representing more than 30 financial technology companies and consumer-permissioned data access platforms in Canada and the United States, today responded to the Bank of Canada’s Retail Payments Supervision Consultation regarding its new supervisory guidelines for payment service providers (PSPs). FDATA North America expressed broad support for the Retail Payments Activities Act (RPAA) regulations while requesting additional clarity in the Bank’s guidance.

FDATA North America highlighted that implementation of the RPAA regulations will establish a robust regulatory framework for as many as 2,500 PSPs, significantly advancing Canada’s financial services modernization. In the response, FDATA North America emphasized that the RPAA regulations should facilitate the inclusion of payment use cases into Canada’s consumer-driven banking framework, as announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland in the 2024 budget. By incorporating payment initiation use cases at this early stage, Canada can align with other G7 nations that have already established non-bank PSP regulations and open finance frameworks.

In its comments, FDATA North America provided detailed responses to key aspects of the supervisory guidelines. For operational risk and incident response, it urged comprehensive due diligence for outsourced service providers, flexible compliance standards like SOC II Type 2 audits, clear thresholds for distinguishing different types of PSPs, and an extended 24-hour reporting period for material breaches. It proposed that PSPs report incidents solely to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) to reduce duplicative reporting. For safeguarding end-user funds, FDATA requested clarity on the definition of “holding funds” and recommended excluding firms that facilitate transactions but don’t hold funds. Additionally, it called for explicit criteria for changes warranting notification, particularly for cloud migration, to help PSPs manage risks while complying.

A full copy of the response is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Sends Letter to CFPB Advocating for Distinction Between Digital Wallets and Passthrough Payment Platforms

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757, [email protected] 

May 2, 2024, Washington, DC – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a trade association representing more than 30 financial technology companies and consumer-permissioned data access platforms in Canada and the United States, today sent a letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) addressing concerns in the Bureau’s approach to digital wallets and passthrough payment platforms in both its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Personal Financial Data Rights and its NPRM on Defining Larger Participants of a Market for General-Use Digital Consumer Payments.

The letter highlighted a critical oversight in the CFPB’s draft regulations, which grouped digital wallets—designed to hold consumer assets—with passthrough payment platforms that merely facilitate transactions via accounts at other financial institutions. FDATA emphasized that this conflation could compromise regulatory effectiveness, confuse consumers, and stifle innovation in the market, with key points from the letter including:

  • General Definitions: The proposed rules offered overly broad definitions for digital wallets that did not acknowledge the operational distinctions from passthrough payment services.
  • Regulatory and Consumer Impacts: The lack of distinction was criticized for potentially imposing undue regulatory burdens on passthrough platforms without offering additional consumer protections.
  • Call for Tailored Regulation: FDATA North America advocated for the CFPB to refine its regulations to accurately mirror the diverse functionalities within digital financial services, ensuring focused and effective consumer protections.
  • Concern Over Data Duplication: The current approach could lead to unnecessary and confusing duplications in regulatory data requirements.
  • Innovation at Risk: The letter emphasized the importance of a regulatory framework that understands the operational realities of digital finance to foster innovation and ensure consumer safety.
  • Plea for Precise Rulemaking: FDATA North America stressed the need for rulemakings that distinguish between the various digital financial services, benefiting consumers, providers, and the broader financial ecosystem.

FDATA called on the CFPB to exempt passthrough payment platforms from being considered data providers under its Personal Financial Data Rights rule and from the supervisory requirements set forth in its payments Larger Participant Rulemaking.

A full copy of the letter is available here.

by rebecca rebecca No Comments

FDATA North America Statement on Budget 2024 Initiating Consumer-Driven Banking Framework

Contact: Laine Williams, (202) 897-4757, [email protected] 

Washington, DC, April 16, 2024 – The Financial Data and Technology Association of North America (FDATA), a trade association representing more than 30 financial technology companies and consumer-permissioned data access platforms in Canada and the United States, today applauded the government’s inclusion of a framework to deliver consumer-driven banking as part of Budget 2024.

FDATA North America, which has long advocated for consumer and small business benefits that an open finance framework will deliver for Canadians, commended the government for outlining a detailed vision of the design of open finance in Canada and a commitment to begin implementing the system through legislation this spring and announcing its intention to create an open finance framework in Canada that is interoperable with the framework that the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will finalize later this year. As the government begins its work to finally deliver open finance in Canada in 2025, FDATA North America encourages the Department of Finance to include small business accounts under the scope of the framework to ensure that Canadian SMEs receive the same open finance benefits as consumers.

Steve Boms, Executive Director of FDATA, released the following statement:

“We are greatly encouraged by the Government of Canada’s commitment to advance open finance in Canada. The inclusion of Consumer Driven Banking in Budget 2024 marks a significant step for the financial empowerment of consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises. Once successfully implemented, this will foster a more innovative Canadian financial services marketplace, and promote a fairer and more inclusive financial services ecosystem. It reflects a global trend towards consumer-centric financial services and brings Canada in line with the regimes established by nearly every other G-7 nation.

We applaud the comprehensive framework announced in the budget and look forward to working closely with the government as it actualizes open finance to benefit Canadian consumers and small businesses.”
