FDATA’s Ghela Boskovich on Open Wishes for the New Year

by ewanrobertson

My wishes for 2024 hastening an open data sharing economy are centred around two things:

1) Enhancing trust in the system by ensuring permissioned data sharing and consent best practice principles are adopted by each and every government, industry, sector and scheme. Without a robust consent and authentication framework, trust in the system cannot exist. Consumers need to trust their data is safe and secure before even considering sharing it; without trust, adoption is doomed. Consent and permission is the key to unlocking data sharing.

2) Getting governments to accelerate opening up their own data sets, leading by example in those jurisdictions that have active data sharing legislation in play or being developed. If they want specific industry sectors to participate in those wider schemes, governments can easily incentivise that by cracking open government held data. It also increases outside investment in creating the necessary frameworks to enable safe, secure data sharing across sectors.
